Edelweiss: Food! Food! Food! All you think about! Food!
Edelversa: Good! I like food! You should eat more!
Edelweiss: Treats! Treats, too! All you think about! Treats!
Edelversa: Good! I like treats! You should eat more!
Edelweiss: You like treats! You like food! Why not give away food? Why not give away treats?
Edelversa: Treats and food for me! All for me!
Edelweiss: You leave some treats and food for me!
Edelversa: Hand gives much food and treats. I will save some food and treats to give away.
Edelweiss: See! Everyone’s happy because you give away treats and food.
Edelversa: But no treats or food left for me!
Edelweiss (as food in hand come through): Here comes more!
Written by Henry, age 9