Summer Announcements from 826 Valencia

This summer is busier than ever at 826 Valencia. We’re excited to announce that during the summer months, 826’s writing center will undergo some structural renovations, while still maintaining our store and space’s aesthetic. We’ll be closing our storefront and writing center during that time, but no need to fret: there will still be student programs, and our pirate store will continue to peddle its wares online. Here are some things you’ll need to know about this summer at 826 Valencia.

Student Programs
While our center is being renovated, student programs are taking place at Mission High School, located at 18th and Dolores Streets, at Dolores Park. We’ve partnered with Mission High School for our Personal Statement Weekend every year, and the school has been an amazing community support to us. This summer at Mission HS, we’ve offered our Exploring Words Summer Camp for young students as well as our writing workshops. We will also offer workshops at James Lick Middle School. Volunteers, sign up for projects as usual on our website, and you’ll receive more details about the location at that time. Parents looking to enroll students in workshops, you’ll sign up online as usual. Our summer workshops began in July, and were posted on Monday, May 13th.

The Pirate Supply Store
The Pirate Supply Store will be closed from May 30 through August 26. Please continue to support our free student programs by shopping at the Pirate Supply Store online and by following its facebook and twitter for updates and announcements about Pirate Store popups during the summer. If you’d like to purchase Pirate Store items you don’t see on the website, contact Many of those items will still be available.

Need to contact 826 Valencia staff?
While our space is under construction, we’ll be more reliably available via email than via phone. Each staff member’s email is available here on our website.

Thank you for you continued support of 826 Valencia. We can’t wait to welcome you back to our newly renovated space at the start of September!

This entry was posted in 826 News.

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