Avast! And join the Shipmates Society!

We know a lot of 826 Valencia donors who like to support our young writers year after year. Maybe you’re already one of them! So we created the Shipmates Society to recognize all you generous people. All land lubbers who give at least $100 annually will automatically become a member of the Shipmates Society, no seafaring experience required. Members will receive benefits based on the following giving levels:

Rigger – $100+
• Acknowledgment on 826 Valencia website

Sailor – $500+
The above, plus:
• Invitations to 826 Valencia Quarterly book release parties, where young authors read their original work aloud and sign copies of their published books

Helmsperson – $826+
The above, plus:
• Invitation to the Young Authors’ Book Project release party, where high school writers read their nationally published work aloud
• Acknowledgment in the Young Authors’ Book Project publication
• Copy of the Young Authors’ Book

Boatswain – $1,000+
The above, plus:
• Private tour of 826 Valencia

Ship’s Master – $5,000+
The above, plus:
• Invitation to a dinner with fellow 826 Valencia supporters, featuring special guests, or an invitation to a Storytelling & Bookmaking event

Captain – $10,000+
The above, plus:
• Complimentary Sailor-level membership for the friend or associate of your choice
• Private Storytelling & Bookmaking event for adults or children (up to 20 guests)

Monthly donors will receive benefits based on their total annual giving.

Donate now!