Leo Westhead lives in Scalby, England, and works for a company called Secro, which designs satellites and tracks objects orbiting the earth. They have been tracking an astronaut’s glove that has been floating around for two years. Secro also is able to alert England if a nuclear missile is flying toward it.
Leo, who is 69, has worked for 45 years at Secro as a computer engineer – the same job his son has, although his son works for a social networking company. Leo got a job offer from Secro when he was 24 and he quickly took it. Leo won an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) for working at Secro for 45 years. Queen Elizabeth II will give it to him in November 2011. Leo’s MBE allows him to use the title “Sir” before his first name. Leo said he doesn’t feel heroic, but he has devoted nearly a half century to serving his country, which is pretty heroic.