How to Look Terrible in Photos
Stick out your tongue. Cross your eyes. Wave your arms wildly and use your hand to cover up your face. Do some more annoying/gross things until the photographer goes away.
How to Persuade Your Parents to Get You a Pet
Say you will work for money to feed it. If that doesn’t work, try saying you will work for money to feed it again.
How To Give Makeovers
I can’t really give you advice but I’ll do my best. You have two choices: 1. Copy a make-up face from a fashion magazine. 2. Go abstract and prepare to be screamed at.
How To Ice Skate Without Falling 6 or 7 times
I don’t really know how. Mostly, I fall down 6 or 7 times every 15 minutes. Go take some lessons. Wear warm clothes. Whatever!
Written by Ella, age 9