826 Valencia’s new Evening Tutoring Program

Evening Tutoring Program

We are now in our second semester of our first year offering Evening Tutoring, an extension of After-school Tutoring for middle and high school students. Tuesday and Thursday evenings, students come in to finish their homework assignments, study Shakespearean monologues, or work on persuasive essays with the support of our tutors.

The extension of our tutoring hours was developed as a way to retain our older students whose after-school schedules grew increasingly demanding as they juggled extracurricular activities and their commutes to schools less than close to home. Along with retaining our current students, one benefit of the Evening Tutoring Program has been the opportunity to enroll those eager students who had been on our waiting list for After-school Tutoring.

While this program is in its first year, students and tutors already look forward to working with one another. Currently, we’re looking forward to incorporating writing activities into this program, and we’re already rolling up our sleeves for spring midterm madness.


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