826 Valencia hosts author Luis J. Rodriguez during his Bay Area book tour

We’re excited to host, alongside Modern Times Bookstore, bestselling author and activist Luis J. Rodriguez at 826 Valencia as he promotes his new memoir, It Calls You Back: An Odyssey through Love, Addiction, Revolutions, and Healing at 6:00 PM on Thursday, July 12. This event will be a free reading and book signing, so show up and bring friends and your copy of Luis’s new book! If you don’t have your own It Calls You Back already, you can purchase one at the event curtesy of Modern Times Bookstore or at Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural and Bookstore.

Can it get any better? Yes is can! There will also be a special screening and Bay Area premiere of “Rushing Waters, Rising Dreams: How the Arts are Transforming a Community” filmed by John Cantu and based on the book with the same title. This film documents the positive effect of “Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural” for Latinos of the San Fernando Valley and which was co-founded by Luis J. Rodriguez.

For full calendar of SF/Oakland events in July for Luis J. Rodriguez, check out the FB invite https://www.facebook.com/events/386402274742198/

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