Class Newspaper (Class A)

(In-Schools Program)

Sep 10,2013, 8:45 AM - 10:30 AM @ James Lick Middle School Writers' Room

From Ms. Corda, Ms. Barrientos, and Mr. Chaudhari:

Our 6th grade students will be creating a newspaper article about one of their fellow classmates. They will conduct interviews in class and should have a rough draft for you by the first session. The goal of the session is to edit for spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, use of quotes, adjectives, and overall structure of their article. We would like to stress correct punctuation for dialogue with this assignment. Some students will be doing a more advanced article, and will be using embedded quotes. Other students will do a simpler Q & A style assignment.

Student Background Knowledge:
Students have read 3 interviews that are similar to what I want them to come up with. They know an article should have a title, use quotations, have pictures and captions, etc. They brainstormed good interview questions and should come to you with a rough draft ready for editing.

Grade: 6

1220 Noe St.
San Francisco, CA 94114