Friday Writes

(In-Schools Program)

Nov 18,2011, 10:25 AM - 11:45 AM @ June Jordan School for Equity

Everyone loves Fridays, and we know all of you love writing. That said, we've combined two things you love to bring you Friday Writes, a new project at June Jordan School for Equity. At this project, you will work with Olive Mitra's creative writing class.


The students meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Monday and Wednesday, students read and begin to write short pieces. On Friday, you'll join the class to help students expand their work, develop a love for the writing process, and edit their writing.


This project continues throughout the school year, and the students' work will be published in a chapbook at the end of each semester. We hope you'll be able to make a commitment to help each Friday for the Fall semester as these students become solid writers!

225 La Grande Ave. San Francisco, CA 94112-2866 (415) 4524922